Minutes of the Nettlebed Parish Council meeting
held on Tuesday September 7th 2004

Members Present  Councillors Simon, McWhirter, Reynolds, Butler, Gibson, Atkins and Lewis and clerk D. Elms.

Also present  J. Phillips , Transport representative, M. Lewis – Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator and PC  K. Brockington

Apologies from Councillor Ackerman and District Councillor D. Sloan

Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on July 6th.were read, approved and signed.

Meeting with new Police Inspector at Henley .Councillor Simon and M. Lewis gave an account of the meeting they had attended, in which Inspector Jason Purnell explained his plans to involve local parishes thus creating a two way dialogue between the community and the police.

Talk by PC Brockington This police constable has now been assigned to Nettlebed and about 6 other parishes and is most keen to assist us with any problems or concerns.. He hopes to be able to spend roughly a day each week in our area when we can highlight any matters of concern. He can be contacted by e-mail and has given his mobile phone number to the clerk. He is a very experienced officer and we are extremely pleased with his appointment .With only two years to his retirement he hopes to stay in this area.

Exhibition at Henley on September 18th. Together with members of the fire service and security firms, the police are holding a home and vehicle crime reduction exhibition in Henley on September 18th.

Crime figures Figures for July and August as follows – Burglaries from dwellings – July -2 Burglaries from non dwellings – August -1 Vehicle thefts – August-1 Thefts of motor vehicles – August-1 Other auto crimes – July-1

Burial ground at Churchyard The P.C.C. are of the opinion that space for burials in the Churchyard may not last for more than about 15 years and possibly they should contact the Nettlebed Estate advising that at some future date it would be necessary to purchase some of their land to the west of the Churchyard. Before going to that expense a thorough investigation would be required to determine exactly how much room is available.

Fencing at Childrens’ Playground The area has been inspected by a local company who have given a verbal estimate which is considerably cheaper than the three estimates already obtained from national companies. It was agreed that it is unnecessary to fence the far end of the playground thus cutting the cost. We await a written estimate.

R.O.S.P.A. report on playground  The inspectors were advised that we intended replacing the fencing and gate. Several small matters were raised – these will be remedied by our Chairman and other Councillors.

Tree Lopping  Agreement by Highways forestry section to lop the willow tree in Lion Meadow and also the tree in the corner of no.13 Lion Meadow – both of which cause distress to local residents. District Council forestry section agreed to remove the forked chestnut tree in Wanbourne Lane hedge, but only after we were able to satisfy them that the ownership of the hedge fell to the District Council

Update on new school  many problems still remain before the various departments concerned are satisfied that the money will become available. The money raised from selling the church hall appears to be the main problem but everything is being done to expedite matters in order not to forfeit grants already made.

Annual audit The external auditors have stated that we must carry out risk assessments. This will be discussed at the meeting in January when the annual budget is decided.

Register of interests Councillors were reminded that it is essential that they complete a specially provided form in the event of any additional matters regarding their interests, arising.

C.A.B. Henley At the time if issuing us with their annual report, a request from the C.A.B. for further financial help. It was agreed that since they perform such valuable work , we should increase our annual donation from £60 to £100. We are also publicising their need for additional volunteers via our latest news sheet and on the notice boards.

Air Ambulance The Air Ambulance are appealing for further financial help. It was agreed to continue donating £100 as usual. Councillors reminded of the Air Ambulance lottery to which some members already subscribe, and also that used computer cartridges and mobile phones , which are a great source of income can be taken to the Post Office prior to being sent to the ambulance service

Berinsfield Community Business Whilst we are satisfied with our existing grass cutting contract, before renewing next year we will obtain a quote from B.C.S. . This company cuts grass for numerous parish councils and many S.O.H.A. properties and claims to be a ‘not for profit’ organisation.

Meetings A meeting on Waste Management at Benson on 16/9 will be attended by the chairman and clerk. A meeting at Crowmarsh on various subjects in the form of workshops on 22/9 will be attended by Councillor Gibson and the clerk. A Friends of the Common meeting to be held at Highmoor on 13/10 – all public invited.

Fact Sheets A very informative set of fact sheets , covering all aspects controlled by Highways has been received

Neighbourhood Watch  Mr. Lewis explained that a few areas in Nettlebed are still without a co-ordinator. This will be advertised in the next news sheet

Science Talks Details given of science talks to be held at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratories during the next few months

Report from Planning Sub-Committee Plans received- a). Gazebo at Catslip House b).renewal of beams at 8,Watlington Street
c). Extension at 4, The Ridgeway d). extension at 6, Pearce’s Meadow e). change of use for field adjacent to Filling Station .
No objections from Parish Council (a,b and c all passed by District Council.)

Report from Roads and Footpaths Sub-Committee a). S.O.H.A. have, as requested, planted a hawthorn bush in gap in Watlington Street hedge. b). A Ridgeway parishioner very dissatisfied on account of his hedge ,which adjoins the Wanbourne Street hedge, not having been cut at the time when the Wanbourne Street hedge was cut. Mr C. Rice visited the parishioner at our request and has had the hedge cut to the parishioner’s satisfaction. c). Catslip road sign missing ( near St Swithins) d). loose kerb stones previously reported at
Pearce’s Meadow /Ridgeway junction and at WanbourneLane/Ridgeway junction not yet dealt with.

Public Question Time 5 members of public attended – no problems reported.

Date of next meeting November 2nd.

Meeting Closed at 10.15p.m.

These minutes will be signed by the Chairman, subject to being approved by Councillors at next meeting