Minutes of Nettlebed Parish Council meeting held  on
Tuesday, November 2nd.2004

Members Present Councillors Simon, McWhirter, Gibson, Butler, Reynolds, Atkins, Lewis and Ackerman and the clerk D. Elms.

Also Present PC Keith Brockington, M. Lewis – Neighbourhood Watch Co- Ordinator and J. Phillips- Transport Representative

Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on September 7th. were read, approved and signed

PC Brockington Hopes to be able to use a base in the village in the near future , thus allowing parishioners to raise any matters of concern No plans finalised yet but he will keep in regular touch with the Council and will endeavour to attend all our meetings.

Henley Rotary Club We were asked if we could organise the necessary arrangements required in order to ease the problem when about 500 vehicles would be exiting from the Sue Ryder Home on conclusion of the Halloween Firework Party on October 30th all within about an hour. The suggestion was that all cars should be made to turn left onto the B481.After obtaining the necessary forms from O.C.C. the matter was referred back to the Rotary Club who were advised to contact the AA

Crime Report The police crime report for September showed that in Nettlebed there had been 2 burglaries and 1 assault. Our attention was drawn to problems encountered in Henley when withdrawing cash from the wall dispensers Care should be taken when discarding invoices etc. with account numbers and we were reminded that goods left on car seats were an open invitation to burglars. It was pointed out that, as with crime stoppers, it is not essential when contacting the police to disclose your own details. Leaflets advertising Crimestoppers by way of a competition were issued to Councillors .

Neighbourhood Watch At a meeting attended by M. Lewis, our N.W. Co-ordinator who also acts for other rural areas, a suggestion was made that possibly the clerk or doctor could supply names of elderly folk living alone , who might be vulnerable, particularly to distraction callers. A further reminder of the possibility of deer running into the road from the woods and fields. In the event of an accident with a deer , the police should be telephoned , alternatively we could contact Mr. Roberts, the deer warden who addressed a recent Council Meeting. His number is 0777 448 7324 It might be wise to keep the number in the car. In spite of culling the deer population is increasing so we should be prepared at all times.

Footpath no.3 A letter was sent to Mr. Short, the Highways Engineer suggesting that the builders at the surgery should be asked to tarmac the path leading to the surgery, whilst they were on the spot, and to send the invoice to Highways. No reply to date.

Children’s Playground A local fencing firm would not issue a written quote which was unsatisfactory . A further local firm has since visited the site and issued a quote. Before making any decisions, further quotes are being sought. To date we have quotes from 3 national and two local companies.

Changes in Waste Strategy Although Oxfordshire recycles more rubbish than most other counties, thus reducing the amount being sent to landfill., government orders require us to make enormous reductions and where targets are not reached, heavy fines will be imposed. Numerous different methods for disposing of rubbish are under consideration and at several meetings the different options have been outlined. One option is heavily regulated high temperature burning which produces electricity without pollution Councillors were issued with a booklet outlining these options. Landfill is not an option for the future but a decision as to which option to choose has to be made by Autumn 2005. In the meantime it is essential that we recycle as much as possible as this recycled material is highly profitable.

Town and Parish Forum Councillor Gibson and the clerk attended this meeting which was extremely informative. 5 workshops were set up covering a wide range of subjects for discussion. A booklet stating the results from these discussions is available if anybody wishes to read it.

Chiltern Conservation Board 5 names of councillors had been put forward for the vacancies on this board and we were asked to vote for two We voted for Mrs Wells and Mr. Griffin

Audit and Risk Assessment The external auditors have passed the audit submitted for year ending 31.3.04 and the Council accepted their decision. We are advised to produce extensive risk assessments in future. Details have been obtained from O.A.L.C. Since they are so complex, an extraordinary meeting of Councillors and our internal auditor to decide on the risks is arranged for January 5th.2005 in order that the finalised risk assessment can be discussed at the normal Council meeting on January 11th.

Update on School/Housing Project All appears to be coming together at last. From the Parish Council’s angle the main concern is financial. There will be the cost of the excellent solicitor, without whom we could not have reached this stage, together with the insurance required for the community hall and other facilities when used out of school hours. When setting the precept at the January meeting these additional costs must be taken into account

Donations It was agreed to donate £125.00 to the W.I. towards the cost of the senior citizen’s party, £100.00 to Henley C.A.B. and £100.00 to the Air Ambulance

Broadband The suggestion was made by the Chairman and agreed by the Councillors that since the clerk uses her own computer for 90% Council work, the Council should pay for her to go onto Broadband. Clerk extremely grateful.

Report from Planning Sub-Committee a. Swimming pool at Catslip House – no objection b. Amendment to permission granted for work at Beech House- no obj.

Report from Roads and Footpaths Sub-Committee Missing road sign at Catslip now replaced b. Loose kerb stones in Ridgeway and Wanbourne Lane now fixed.

Report from Recreation and Amenities Sub-Committee When the shoe recycle box in the car park was reported to be overflowing, it was emptied the following day

Public Question Time 4 members of public present

Date of next meeting January 11th.2005

Meeting Closed at10.05p.m.



(These minutes will be signed subject to approval by the Council at the meeting on January 11th).